Credit card is a card that can used repeatedly to purchase product and services on credit which issued by banks and financial institutions, credit cards provide us with the added security and ease when shopping and traveling .However, cost of living has increased today, It is often the case that your mailbox is filled with a number of credit card debt settlement notices, or you may be plagued by collection calls, and if such is the case with you then you must be having debts that you are finding difficult to pay off, and the problem has been going on for some time. Many people tend to misuse them and made the numbers of credit card debts until create the major problems of bankruptcies each year increase. Here, we have share some of the causes and prevention of the debt.
Malaysia’s consumer price index, Malaysia inflation rate increase to 3% in April 2009, an increase in petrol and diesel prices leads to rise to higher transportation cost, this continuously make the prices of goods and services increase speedy. The going up expenses and not the income, contribute people forced to spend beyond their earnings. Customers who cannot possibly find an equilibrium between their expenses and their income, they will use credit card to purchase goods and services and unable to pay back the money, fall up to credit debts.
Prevention Is Better Than Cure
Malaysia’s consumer price index, Malaysia inflation rate increase to 3% in April 2009, an increase in petrol and diesel prices leads to rise to higher transportation cost, this continuously make the prices of goods and services increase speedy. The going up expenses and not the income, contribute people forced to spend beyond their earnings. Customers who cannot possibly find an equilibrium between their expenses and their income, they will use credit card to purchase goods and services and unable to pay back the money, fall up to credit debts.
- Poor Money Management
- Only pay the interest
- No money communication skills
Prevention Is Better Than Cure
- Control Spending and Save Up
- Choose the Right Card for You
- Always Pay on Time
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